Wednesday, April 11, 2012

External Rotation of the Hips

Do you have hip, knee or ankle pain?
If your hips, knees or ankles hurt most likely your body skeleton alignment is off in your hips, knees and/or ankles.  In other words you are externally or internally rotating at your hips, knees and/or ankles.  

Do a simple test. Stand or walk towards a full length mirror.  Look at your feet.  Are they pointing out or pointing inward? If so, that's an indication that your hips, knees and/or ankles are not tracking correctly and you most likely have pain in any or all or one of those areas.  Your body is made to work properly when your hips, legs and and track straight.  

Many times after an injury or a pattern of life’s use the muscles in these areas develop weakness and/or shorting. By strengthening and stretching these muscles you can correct the imbalances in the hip, knee and/or ankles.  As your body moves towards balance your pain goes away and the hip, knees and/or ankles function the way they should.  This can eliminate the need of surgery as the joints lineup and work properly. Your posture will improve as you stand a look better.

Fitworks Corrective Therapy gives an analytical and thorough approach to identifying your muscle weaknesses and designing a plan you can follow to correct your imbalances and get you looking and feeling FANTASTIC. Give me a call for a free posture analysis and I will set you “straight." 801-703-8503

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

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