Thursday, April 5, 2012



Scoliosis is an abnormal curving of the spine. Your spine is your backbone. It runs straight down your back. Everyone’s spine naturally curves a tiny bit. But people with scoliosis have a spine that curves too much. The spine might look like the letter “C” or “S.”

Symptoms of scoliosis can include:
  • Backache or low-back pain
  • Tired feeling in the spine after sitting or standing for a long time
  • Uneven hips or shoulders (one shoulder may be higher than the other)
  • Spine curves more to one side

By building and stretching specific muscle groups, the joints line up gradually for perfect posture and function.  A balanced body over time...all done naturally!

The Fitworks Corrective Therapy technique is not just a pain management program: it is a pain elimination program, designed to improve posture, increase flexibility, and loosen muscle tissue, resulting in overall superior health. Even the severest of muscular or skeletal problems can have immediate relief

Fitworks Corrective Therapy gives an analytical and thorough approach to identifying your muscle weaknesses and designing a plan you can follow to correct your imbalances and get you looking and feeling FANTASTIC. Give me a call for a free posture analysis and I will set you “straight." 801-703-8503

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy 

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